MVCMA Facility Rental
The Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association (MVCMA) facility is available for rental during the summer season of
July 1 to September 2.
The MVCMA events take priority for the use of the facilities, however when the MVCMA facilities are not in use by the MVCMA, the facilities may be available for rental.

The MVCMA Tabernacle
17,000 sq/ft., 1,400 people
The MVCMA Tabernacle built in 1879 is a large covered pavilion with seating for 1,400 people, including 400 historic wooden chairs and wood bench seating with backs for 1,000 people. There is a rear entrance to the stage but no backstage area. The stage is 40 x15 and has a lift for handicap access to the stage.
No food or drink is allowed in the Tabernacle with the exception of water bottles. The facility does not have a parking lot. The MVCMA Tabernacle rental include the following.
(2) 8’ folding tables (additional tables may be rented)
Podium on stage
8 plastic white chairs
2 Reserved parking spots

The MVCMA Tent
500 sq/ft, 40 people
The Tent may be rented in conjunction with the rental of the Tabernacle. The Tent is approximately 500 square feet of space that includes 40 white stacking chairs and 3 folding tables. Additional tables may be rented.
If the event includes food or drink, the tent must be rented along with the Tabernacle. An electrical outlet is available at the tent.

Trinity Park
100+ people
Designated areas of Trinity Park may be rented in conjunction with renting the Tabernacle. Be aware that the park remains open to the public during rentals. No dogs are allowed in Trinity Park.
Port-a-potties are stationed behind the Tabernacle stage and opened during the rental period. The Tabernacle, Tent and Trinity Park do not have restroom or sink facilities.
All groups seeking to rent space from the MVCMA must have a written Facility Rental Agreement and obtain Commercial General Liability Insurance for the event. DocuSign is used for MVCMA Facility Rental Agreements. A deposit of 50% of the rental fee and proof of liability insurance is due at the time of signing the Facility Rental Agreement in order to secure the date. The deposit is to be received 14 business days after scheduling, or the date is no longer held.
AUDIO VIDEO SERVICES – Provided and direct billed by ProductionsMV
AV services are provided by the MVCMA’s authorized vendor, ProductionsMV. Clients work directly with the vendor for services. ProductionsMV will directly bill the client for the AV services used for the event.
COMMUNITY USE by Island Non-Profits for Free Events Open the Public
The MVCMA may waive the Tabernacle rental fee for an island non-profit community service organization holding an event that is aligned to the mission of the MVCMA. These events are free to attend, open to the public, and serve a community purpose. A $300 service fee is charged to help defray the cost of holding the event. Additional charges apply for hours over the standard 5-hour Tabernacle rental, the use of the tent and/or Trinity Park, table rental, additional port-a-potties, trash removal and other services. If AV services are required, these are directly billed to the client. These fees are identified by the General Manager in reviewing the Rental Request form with the Event Organizer.
See the below Rental Fee Schedule for rental rates for the MVCMA facility including the MVCMA Tabernacle, the Tent and Trinity Park. Rates are included for the standard 5 hour rental period and overtime, table rental, program attendant fees, and more.
Complete the MVCMA Rental Form to request to use MVCMA space. Click below to complete the form. Rentals are to be arranged AT at least 60 days in advance of the event date. The General Manager will respond to your request within 7 business days.