The MVCMA Board of Directors
Welcome to Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association (MVCMA) Board of Directors information page. The Board of Directors welcomes you to the Campground and encourages everyone to take part in the community.
The MVCMA Board of Directors consists of 21 members who are nominated and elected by the Board itself. Members are elected to three-year terms and 7 board members are elected to the board annually at the August board meeting.
The Board of Directors typically meet four times a year: in August at the Annual Meeting of the board, and in October/November, January/February and May.
The board is organized into the following committees:
Standing Committees: Architectural Review, Audit, Buildings & Grounds, Development, Finance, Historical Preservation & Archives, Long Range Planning, Nominating, Personnel, Programs, Residential Lease, Special Lease, and Spiritual Life.
Ad Hoc Committees: Communications, Land Management Planning Task Force, and the Social Justice, Diversity, & Inclusion Task Force, and Volunteers.
You are invited to engage with the Board of Directors. During the summer season, you can share your ideas at the “Board Member Under the Tent” forum sessions scheduled periodically throughout the summer, or by approaching board members with your ideas and feedback.
Act of Incorporation and Bylaws of the Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association, Oak Bluffs, Massachusetts
All committee members are asked to sign a commitment form, similar to the one Board members sign after being elected. This helps protect sensitive information from being shared outside the context of a committee meeting. You can see that form by clicking below:

Board Membership
Members of the MVCMA Board make policy and operational decisions concerning the Association. Because the MVCMA has a small paid staff (above right), members of the Board are also called upon to assist the MVCMA Staff in the management and operation of the MVCMA’s daily operations, particularly during the busy summer months.
2025 Board Nomination Timeline:
2025 Board Nomination Timeline coming in the spring.
Members of the MVCMA Board are selected by existing members of the board from among those who have applied to join the board. Consistent with the MVCMA’s history and tradition, the current bylaws require a majority of the 21 members of the Board to be members in good standing of an established religious organization. Otherwise, anyone willing to serve and to fulfill the fiduciary duties of a member of the Board is eligible to serve.
To Apply:
​Applications for an open position on the MVCMA Board are solicited in June, July, and August. Applicants are asked to submit an application form and to attend a reception to get acquainted with current members of the Board, in mid-August
Downloadable Application Form is available here.


Sherrie Saint-Amant
Sherrie first came to her grandmother’s cottage in Victorian Park as a child. She & her family have pursued the DIY track with a wide range of cottage projects. Her favorite is window glazing and painting interior spaces.
Sherrie discovered early in her professional life the power of community based organizations to effect positive change. As a YWCA Youth Director in rural Maine, Sherrie started learning how she personally and in collaboration with others could help eliminate racism. This focus was transformative and continues to inform how she shows up at work, in her community and with family and friends.
When not on the Campground, Sherrie lives in Washington, DC, and spends time with Darcy and her family in Stuttgart, Germany and Chris and his family in Berkeley, CA.

Kim Jones
Vice President
Residential Lease (Chair)
Special Lease
Spiritual Life (Chair)
Kim Jones is a retired US Army civilian engineer, a former Director on the Picatinny Federal Credit Union (PFCU) Board of Directors (2010 – 2022) and the former chairperson of the PFCU Supervisory Committee (2016 - 2022).
After retiring from the US Army Research, Development and Engineering Center in 2020, Kim was elected to the Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association's Board of Directors, elected to Trinity Episcopal Church’s Trustee Board (Oak Bluffs, MA) and selected to be a member of The Cottagers Inc. of Martha’s Vineyard. Kim received a BS in Chemistry from Fisk University, Nashville, TN, a Masters in Business Administration (MBA) and a Masters in Management from Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) (Picatinny Arsenal). Kim is married to Lawrence Jones and they have one son, Oliver Starnes.

Eliza Curtis
Building & Grounds (Chair)
Finance (Chair)
Special Lease (Chair)
Eliza has worked for Marriott International for over 16 years in various financial leadership roles, currently acting as a Bench Director of Finance supporting 150+ managed hotels along the East Coast. Her professional work often includes implementing new systems and initiatives, and streamlining local policies and procedures. Eliza's cottage has been in her family since 1960, and previously had a year round presence when her grandparents retired here in the early 80's. Now taking up the role of fourth generation owner; Eliza, her husband, and two sons, along with two dogs and a cat, enjoy the harbor views year round themselves.

Wendy Haskell