Youth Offerings
The Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association is dedicated to Spiritual Enrichment throughout every age group,
and provides multiple opportunities for all ages. While all spiritual Life offerings are open to all ages,
those listed below are focused on the facilitation of spiritual enrichment
for children, teenagers, and young adults among our diverse campground.

Junior Camp
Junior Camp is a youth focused program provided from 10:00am-12:00pm on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from July 1st - August 2nd.
All children, whether campground residents or visitors, are all welcome to attend
between the ages of 4-14.
Camp activities consist of Ecumenical Biblical teachings, crafting activities, outdoor recess, snack time, and group involvement in community events and service.
The cost for one child's attendance is $2 each day.

Junior Choir​
Junior choir runs from 12:00pm-12:30pm after every Junior Camp Meeting. Children learn multiple songs throughout the summer to perform at our Sunday Services at 9:30am in the Tabernacle. Children do not have to be in both the camp and choir to participate in either, but it is highly encouraged to participate in both.

Children's Message​
Every Sunday Service, our guest preacher or a campground resident provides a children's focused message to our congregation. During this message, all children are called to the front row of the tabernacle to interact with the messenger in an interpersonal format for further involvement and learning.